Google’s Project Stream Gifts Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey to Testers

Beta testers of Google’s Project Stream will be delighted to know that a free game is coming their way. Ubisoft has announced its plan to giveaway a copy of its latest iteration in the Assassin’s Creed franchise.
All testers who play an hour of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey using Project Stream until January 15 will receive a UPlay copy of the game. The game is accessible for participants of the Project Stream beta test, so you aren’t required to pay anything – it’s a win-win situation.
Moreover, all testers, regardless of their playtime, will receive 1,000 Helix in-game credits. Testers who already own a copy of the game are not eligible to receive the game.
Google announced Project Stream back in October. It’s the California-based giant’s entry into the game-streaming space. The technical test also accompanied the announcement. The test will conclude on January 15.
Testers who are eligible to receive Assassin’s Creed:Odyssey will receive a notification when the test concludes. Ubisoft explains that game saves and in-game purchases earned via free Helix credits will carry forward to the free copy, but not any unspent credits.