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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the entirety of and it only. The Privacy Policy defines the manner in which Hardware Blitz collects, stores, and handles information from users individually.

Collection of User Information

Hardware Blitz is a website that may collect and process user information in order to improve the website. It’s a standard practice which helps services improve by learning about the traffic it receives, here traffic defines users visiting the website.

Hardware Blitz shall not collect user information beyond that what is required to better understand its audience.

We may collect, store, and process information from users visiting our websites that includes:

  • IP address of the user
  • Geographic location the user is visiting the website from
  • The web browser the website was visited from

Users visiting the website have the option to contact us via the Contact page. The contact page form and its fields reflect the number and type of information we collect from users.

We may send users newsletters for which they have signed up for. We shall use the details user has submitted while subscribing to process the distribution of newsletters. Users shall have the option to unsubscribe from newsletters.

Hardware Blitz may hold contests and giveaways from time to time. We shall use the information provided by the contestants to process the contests and giveaways.

We may use specialized programs, such as Hot Jar, that enables us to map user behavior. This allows us to improve our services.

We may collect and use information provided by users in the comments section, and you hereby give HardwareBlitz the right to collect and use that information.


‘Cookies’ are pieces of information collected from user when they visit a website. It contains data that the website processes in order to remember the user and provide a tailored experience. Cookies are stored on the user’s computer, more specifically, by the web browser.

We may collect cookies to provide a better experience to our users. Users have the option to disable cookies from the web browser. But for the best browsing experience, it is recommended to enable cookies.


Hardware Blitz may enter agreement with third-parties in order to advertise services, promotions, and giveaways. This Privacy Policy does not define the Privacy Policy of third-parties.

We may display third-party links on our website that direct outside of this website. Hardware Blitz does not enforce or shall be held liable for any damages you incur as a result of any agreement you enter with any third-party. For better understanding of third-parties connected with us, please read their Privacy Policy.

Google Adsense

Hardware Blitz is a Google Adsense partner. Google Adsense is an advertisement platform aimed to deliver targeted ads to users. These ads are delivered using cookies which Google fetches from user’s device.

Google Adsense and its collection of information to deliver ads is governed by its Privacy Policy.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We hold the right to update our Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Users shall bear in agreement to the updated Piracy Policy for the continued use of this website.

No other version of Privacy Policy shall be applicable other than the one defined here.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy

The use of Hardware Blitz comes with the acceptance of this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this website shall signal your agreement to the Privacy Policy defined here.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on: April 8, 2019.

For queries, please contact us at [email protected]